TYRONE – State Sen. Judy Ward (R-30) is inviting businesses and organizations that hold liquor licenses and offer small games of chance to join her at a workshop on Wednesday, October 18, from 6-8 p.m. at Tyrone Elks Lodge No. 212, 5496 E. Pleasant Valley Blvd., Tyrone.
“The laws, regulations and rules governing small games of chance can be complex, so it’s natural for local liquor license holders to have questions,” Ward said. “This workshop is an opportunity for businesses and organizations to ask questions and receive answers about operating small games of chance.”
Pennsylvania law allows eligible organizations to offer a limited assortment of games, including pull tabs, punchboards, raffles, daily drawings, weekly drawings, 50-50 drawings, race night games and pools.
This workshop will provide an overview of laws related to gambling and small games of chance, information about the responsibilities of liquor license holders, and updates regarding legislation that could affect existing laws. Ward is hosting the workshop in cooperation with the Pennsylvania State Police Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement.
Registration is required. Those interested in attending may register at SenatorJudyWard.com/Small-Games-Registration. Potential participants with questions may call 814-695-8386 to learn more.
Residents can follow Ward on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SenJudyWard and Twitter @SenatorJWard for news about legislation and the 30th Senate District. Contact information for her district offices and other information can be found on her website at SenatorJudyWard.com, and constituents also can sign up for her e-newsletter at SenatorJudyWard.com/enewsletters.
Contact: Nathan Akers