Senator Ward, J E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • Majority Policy Committee Focuses on Veterans Workforce Initiatives and Health Care Services
  • A.B. Ross Leadership Program
  • PA Recovers $11.3 Million in Medicaid Fraud
  • McCarthy Tire Service Tour in Luzerne County
  • Higher Education Grants Deadlines Approaching
  • Online Unclaimed Property Auction – March 26 and 27
  • Protect Your Home from a Flood
  • Celebrating National Agriculture Week
  • Grow PA Scholarship Grant Applications Available Now
  • Out and About in the 30th District

Majority Policy Committee Focuses on Veterans Workforce Initiatives and Health Care Services

This week, I attended a public hearing held by the Senate Majority Policy Committee, which examined successful programs to connect veterans in Pittsburgh and beyond with health care and meaningful employment services.

Brig. Gen. Mark Goodwill, the director of the Joint Staff of the Pennsylvania National Guard, began the hearing by sharing the work the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs does to support veterans returning from deployment. Marc Migala, the director of Veteran Care Services for UPMC, detailed UPMC’s work to connect directly with VA medical centers to provide health care to veterans. Veterans Care Services was created in 2019 and has rapidly expanded across the state. In the past four years, 12 UPMC facilities have established VA Registered Nurse Liaisons, professionals who work directly with veterans to guide them through the health care process.

Sean Foley, the senior council representative with Millwright Local 443, and Erick Dickson, council representative with the Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters, shared how their organizations hire veterans through programs like Helmets to Hardhats, which connects veterans to jobs in the construction industry. Jack Lyden, the executive director of Pittsburgh Hires Veterans, shared the strategies his organization used to place veterans into 153 jobs last year. Representatives from Per Scholas shared how their organization has provided technical training to more than 30,000 veterans since 1995 without charging a dime for tuition.

Video of the full event and written testimony can be found here

A.B. Ross Leadership Program

On Wednesday, April 16, from 9 A.M. to 2 P.M., I will be hosting my annual A.B. Ross Leadership Program. 4-H members in grades 7-12, across the 30th District are welcome to attend! The theme for this year is Agriculture Technology and Our Future.

The program is held at Mill Creek Borough Fire Department Social Hall, located at 10050 Fireman’s Park Lane in Mill Creek. Students will have the opportunity to hear from Pennsylvania Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding, learn about technology on the farm and hear about different agriculture careers.

To register for this event, click here. I look forward to seeing you there! 

PA Recovers $11.3 Million in Medicaid Fraud

One of my top priorities is fighting fraud throughout state government, and I’m pleased that Attorney General Dave Sunday’s Medicaid Fraud Team recovered more than $11.3 million in misused Medicaid funding from fiscal year 2024.

In fact, a federal annual report ranked Pennsylvania first in the nation for number of Medicaid fraud charges filed against individuals and third in convictions secured. The report also states that Medicaid Fraud units across the country recover $3.46 for every $1 spent by the units. Retrieving this funding gave limited-income and vulnerable populations access to health care as intended.

The Medicaid Fraud Team prosecutes those who defraud the program through unlawful billing or failure to provide services. It also prosecutes those who neglect or abuse Pennsylvanians dependent on their care and those who financially exploit older adults or care-dependent persons.

McCarthy Tire Service Tour in Luzerne County

As Majority Chair of the Senate Transportation Committee, I have the privilege of traveling the Commonwealth and visiting stakeholders from the dynamic transportation network. This week, my colleague, Senator Lisa Baker, invited me to her legislative district in Luzerne County to meet with McCarthy Tire Service.

McCarthy Tire is a family-owned and operated commercial tire company in Wilkes-Barre that has served the transportation and manufacturing industry for almost 100 years. Founded in 1926, McCarthy Tire is the 5th largest independent tire dealer in the United States that services customers with commercial, industrial, off-the-road and passenger vehicles.

We discussed many transportation issues ranging from maintaining the Commonwealth’s fleet of vehicles to navigating the complex regulations of vehicle inspections. We even reflected on the lingering effects from the government’s shutdown of businesses during the pandemic.

As the company approaches its centennial, McCarthy Tire has grown from a small tire shop to a leading tire dealer and retreader in the United States. This was an incredible experience to learn about the McCarthy’s dedication, hard work and commitment to the tire industry – where the rubber truly hits the road.

Higher Education Grants Deadlines Approaching

Two Pennsylvania grant programs for higher education will be closing on March 31, for the 2024-25 year.

The PA Postsecondary Educational Gratuity Program (PEGP) provides tuition assistance to children of fallen law enforcement officers, firefighters, military personnel and others who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty. For more information on this program and how to apply, click here.

Visual or hearing-impaired students may be eligible for $500 through the PA Blind or Deaf Higher Education Beneficiary Grant (BDBG). If you or your student is blind or deaf, take advantage of the additional funds available through the BDBG Program. For more information on this program and how to apply, click here.

Online Unclaimed Property Auction – March 26 and 27

Pennsylvania’s next auction of unclaimed property – including jewelry, collectible coins, currency and more – will take place on March 26 and 27. Treasurer Stacy Garrity said more than 5,500 items will hit the auction block, and anyone interested in bidding can register on the website of the Pennsylvania Treasury Department’s auctioneer partner, Pook & Pook.

Unclaimed tangible property, like the items being auctioned, comes to Treasury most often from forgotten safe deposit boxes. Treasury works to find the rightful owner for at least three years before auctioning an item but holds auctions twice a year to make room for incoming property in Treasury’s vault – the largest working vault in the country. All items sold at auction are carefully documented, and net proceeds remain with Treasury until a rightful owner comes forward to claim the property – no matter how much time passes.

Treasury is working to return more than $4.5 billion in unclaimed property that is owed to more than one in 10 Pennsylvanians. The average value of a claim is about $1,600. This money can belong to individuals, businesses, nonprofits, local government entities and other organizations. Anyone can search for unclaimed property online. My office is also always glad to help you file a claim or to answer any of your questions.

Protect Your Home from a Flood

Flooding is the most frequent and expensive U.S. natural disaster. Yet, it’s not typically covered through most homeowners and renter’s insurance.

More than 20% of the National Flood Insurance Program’s claims come from outside high-risk flood areas. Those who live in areas with low-to-moderate flooding risk are five times more likely to experience a flood than a fire in their home in the next 30 years. You can determine your risk using this flood map.

Checking your policy and consulting your agent to confirm that flood perils are included in your insurance can save you. Review flood insurance basics so you know how to protect your home.

Celebrating National Agriculture Week

Agriculture – one of Pennsylvania’s top industries – directly impacts our health, economy and communities. It also preserves open space.

Farmers work tirelessly to provide us with fresh produce and dairy products. Supporting them is as easy as enjoying the wonderful foods they offer. As the weather begins to improve, farmers markets will pop up all over the state. Read more about Pennsylvania’s farmers markets.

In addition to farming, many other jobs play an important role in our state’s agricultural success. Pennsylvania’s more than 500,000 jobs in agriculture also include the fields of business, technology, science and more.

Grow PA Scholarship Grant Applications Available Now

The Grow PA Scholarship Grant Program – created by Senate Republicans as part of the 2024-25 state budget – offers grants of up to $5,000 per year for in-state students who pursue a degree or certification for an in-demand occupation. The application period for grants is open now, with funding awarded on a first come, first served basis.

To qualify for the grant, applicants must agree to live and work in Pennsylvania in that occupation after graduation. Grant recipients will be required to live and work in Pennsylvania for 12 months for each year they receive the grant. Failure to meet this requirement will result in the grant converting to a loan requiring repayment.

Courses of study that qualify for the grant include agriculture, computer science, business, education, special education, STEM education, engineering, nursing, allied health, criminal justice and other programs as approved by the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA). Learn more or apply here.

Out and About in the 30th District

Paddle Bingo

A great time was had by all at Paddle Bingo to benefit Blair County Nurses Honor Guard. This group honors nurses in the Blair County area who have passed with a short ceremony.

Tyrone Irish Heritage Parade

The Tyrone Irish Heritage Celebration parade is always a fun time in Northern Blair County! With a whole weekend of festivities centered around St. Patrick’s Day, this annual event brings a lot of joy to the community…and a lot of green!

A Stop at the Philadelphia Art Museum

It was great to join the Life Sciences of PA at their annual dinner and receive a State Official of the Year award for my work in the rare disease and life sciences space. The cures, treatments, and devices that the people in this industry are developing are truly amazing. I also got to visit my pal, Rocky, while at the art museum. “Yo Adrian, I did it!”

The Bear Necessities of a Legislative Trip

Bill and I had a bear-y wonderful time on the Legislative Bear Trip this year, which was in Bald Eagle State Park, where we had the chance to hold a few cubs and see the mother in her den! This provides legislators an opportunity to meet with Pennsylvania Game Commission officials and biologists who are devoted to protecting Pennsylvania’s black bears.

Universal Settlement Services of PA Ribbon Cutting in Huntingdon

The Huntingdon County Chamber of Commerce hosted a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to celebrate the grand opening of Universal Settlement Services of PA, LLC at its new office in downtown Huntingdon. The staff at Universal Settlement Services can help with loan-financed real estate purchases, mortgage refinance closings, cash transactions, title searches, commercial real estate support, deed preparation, or contract drafting. Congratulations on the opening of this new office location!


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