Senator Ward, J E-Newsletter

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In this update:

  • Life Sciences PA – State Official of the Year 2024
  • Budget Hearings Reinforce Need for Greater Financial Accountability
  • A.B. Ross Leadership Program
  • “Inhale, Exhale, Be Well” – Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week
  • Grow PA Scholarship Grant Applications Available Now
  • Free Trees to Help Public Replace Invasive Plants
  • License Plates Support Women Veterans
  • Happy St. Patrick’s Day
  • Out and About in the 30th District

Life Sciences PA – State Official of the Year 2024

Life Sciences Pennsylvania held an award dinner to recognize industry leaders, elected officials and advocates who have been at the front lines advancing the cause of life sciences. Life Sciences impacts almost all of us in some way and is comprised of research institutions, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, medical devices and the service providers that bring these innovations to the patients that need them. Together they work to extend and improve the quality of life. I was honored to receive the State Official of the Year Award for 2024, along with Senator Devlin Robinson and Representative Kyle Mullins. Through my membership on the Life Sciences Caucus and my legislative efforts such as Pharmacy Benefit Managers and co-pay accumulator reform, I have enjoyed working with the Life Sciences community and will continue to work with my colleagues to achieve the goal of a healthier Pennsylvania. The Federal Official of the Year Award for 2024, was awarded to Congressman John Joyce.

Budget Hearings Reinforce Need for Greater Financial Accountability

After three weeks of detailed public hearings examining Gov. Josh Shapiro’s $51.5 billion budget plan – which would increase state spending by an eye-popping 7.5% compared to the current fiscal year – it is clear that his priorities are very different than those of Senate Republicans.

Shapiro’s unsustainable spending plan would quickly drain every dollar in the state’s bank accounts – including our entire $7.3 billion in emergency savings in the Rainy Day Fund – within two years. This is especially troubling at a time when respected, nonpartisan sources like the Independent Fiscal Office are warning that Pennsylvania faces serious financial challenges. Notably, not even Shapiro’s own team claims that the astronomical cost of his proposed budget can be paid for without higher taxes.

Senate Republicans will fight for taxpayers throughout this year’s state budget negotiations. We will continue to work toward a responsible state budget that promotes economic growth, job creation and fiscal stability for the commonwealth.

A.B. Ross Leadership Program

On Wednesday, April 16, from 9 A.M. to 2 P.M., I will be hosting my annual A.B. Ross Leadership Program. 4-H members in grades 7-12, across the 30th District are welcome to attend! The theme for this year is Agriculture Technology and Our Future.

The program is held at Mill Creek Borough Fire Department Social Hall, located at 10050 Fireman’s Park Lane in Mill Creek. Students will have the opportunity to hear from Pennsylvania Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding, learn about technology on the farm and hear about different agriculture careers.

To register for this event, click here. I look forward to seeing you there!  

“Inhale, Exhale, Be Well” – Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week

I joined my colleague, Senator Lisa Baker, to introduce Senate Resolution 40, recognizing Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week, here in Pennsylvania.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week is March 9 through 15, and the theme this year is “Inhale, Exhale, Be Well”. Pulmonary disease is the third leading cause of death in our nation and the fifth leading cause of death in the Commonwealth. Pulmonary rehabilitation plays an integral role in improving the quality of life and overall well-being of individuals who have chronic respiratory disease.

Our dedicated pulmonary specialists across this Commonwealth have made great strides to conquer lung disease and are deserving of great recognition!

Grow PA Scholarship Grant Applications Available Now

The Grow PA Scholarship Grant Program – created by Senate Republicans as part of this year’s state budget – offers grants of up to $5,000 per year for in-state students who pursue a degree or certification for an in-demand occupation. The application period for grants is open now, with funding awarded on a first come, first served basis.

To qualify for the grant, applicants must agree to live and work in Pennsylvania in that occupation after graduation. Grant recipients will be required to live and work in Pennsylvania for 12 months for each year they receive the grant. Failure to meet this requirement will result in the grant converting to a loan requiring repayment.

Courses of study that qualify for the grant include agriculture, computer science, business, education, special education, STEM education, engineering, nursing, allied health, criminal justice and other programs as approved by the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA). Learn more or apply here.

Free Trees to Help Public Replace Invasive Plants

Non-native trees and shrubs can have negative ecological and economic impacts on nearby natural areas. Some of those plants include callery pear, tree-of-heaven, Norway maple, burning bush, Japanese barberry and butterfly bush.

The Pennsylvania Invasive Replace-ive Program is a new initiative that will give homeowners and others the option to remove invasive trees and shrubs from their property and replace them with native trees. Doing so will reduce the likelihood of these species moving into neighboring properties, parks and forests.

Property owners are encouraged to remove one or more invasive species and receive up to five free, healthy, native, young replacement trees. Learn more about how to participate. Please note that the Carlisle plant replacement program is already at capacity.

License Plates Support Women Veterans

You can support women veterans in Pennsylvania by purchasing a license plate recognizing the importance of the brave women who have served in our military.

When you purchase the Honoring Our Women Veterans Registration Plate or the Honoring Our Women Veterans Motorcycle Registration Plate, a portion of the fee will be used to support programs assisting the approximately 63,000 female veterans in Pennsylvania. The motorcycle version of this registration plate is new, having been introduced in December. You do not need to be a veteran to purchase either of these plates.

If you are a veteran, you may want to consider purchasing either the Women Veteran Registration Plate or the Women Veteran Motorcycle Registration Plate. Applicants for these plates must submit a legible photocopy of their Form DD-214 or the front and back of their DD2(RET).

Learn more about these license plates and several other new plates available for veterans.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Top o’ the morning to ya! Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to all who celebrate across the 30th District. Saint Patrick was a 5th-century Christian missionary and bishop in Ireland, that played a major role in the spread of Christianity and the conversion of the people of Ireland. Saint Patrick’s Day commemorates him and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland, and, by extension, celebrates the heritage and culture of the Irish.

“May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sunshine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand” – Irish Blessing.

Out and About in the 30th District

Bealls Opens in Altoona

It was an exciting day for shoppers in Altoona as the new Bealls Store opened its doors in the Park Hills Plaza. The Blair County Chamber of Commerce hosted a Ribbon Cutting to celebrate the grand opening of this store that offers fashion apparel, footwear, accessories, housewares, gifts and more. Welcome to Bealls!

Congratulations to Mountain Research on 40 Years

Congratulations to Mountain Research, LLC of Altoona on cutting the ribbon with the Blair County Chamber of Commerce on their 40th Anniversary!

Ribbon Cutting in Three Springs, Welcomes New Broadband Tower

It was an exciting day in Huntingdon County as the ribbon was cut on a new broadband internet tower in Three Springs. This ceremony marked the successful completion of a National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)-funded broadband expansion project completed by Upward Broadband with Tarana Technology, in partnership with Huntingdon County and Alleghenies Broadband, Inc. (ABI). This infrastructure will bring reliable, high-speed internet to the community. Congratulations to the project partners on the successful deployment of this new tower!

Fulton County 4-H Banquet

Kathleen from my McConnellsburg district office had the opportunity to attend the Fulton County 4-H Banquet that drew in a crowd of over 200 at the Hustontown Firehall. She presented certificates to students who attended my A.B. Ross Leadership Program, pictured with Miya Mellott and Kimberly Markey, two of the recipients. Kathleen also shared details of this year’s leadership program entitled “Agriculture Technology and Our Future”.


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