Senator Ward, J E-Newsletter

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Dear friend: 

This e-news update includes information of interest to local sportsmen. Sending these updates electronically allows me to deliver the most up-to-date information to community residents without incurring the cost of printing and mailing a district-wide newsletter. 

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. 


Senator Judy Ward

***Update for Sportsmen***

Game Commission Announces Changes to Chronic Wasting Disease Study

The Pennsylvania Game Commission recently announced that they would follow a more education-centered approach to address Chronic Wasting Disease in deer, rather than culling the population in local counties. I am thankful that the Game Commission is hitting the pause button on these plans and allowing sportsmen to have a stronger say in how this disease is contained and controlled.

More information about CWD and the Game Commission’s efforts to contain this disease is available online here. Sportsmen can also submit questions and comments by email at

My full statement about this issue is available here.

Fish and Boat Commission Offers Ice Fishing Safety Tips

February is one of the most popular months for ice fishing. The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission offers a number of helpful tips to help anglers stay safe on the ice.

Ice anglers are encouraged to always wear a life jacket and carefully survey ice from the water’s edge. Ice thickness may not be consistent throughout an entire body of water, so anglers are also encouraged to listen carefully for cracks and use an ice staff to probe ahead as they walk.

A full safety checklist for anglers is available here.

2019 Trout Stocking Schedule Available Now

The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission recently announced its 2019 trout stocking schedule for all Pennsylvania waterways. The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission plans to stock approximately 3.2 million trout throughout Pennsylvania this year, and their statewide network of cooperative nurseries are expected to stock an additional 1 million.

The most up-to-date stocking information is available online at

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