Senator Ward, J E-Newsletter

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Election 2020 update

I have been working the last 10 weeks to ensure the integrity of the 2020 election.  To date, this is the number one concern I have heard about from constituents.  What has occurred in Pennsylvania is very concerning.  

I joined with other state legislators from around the country in sending a letter to Vice President Michael Pence urging him to postpone the January 6th counting of electoral votes for 10 days to give state legislatures more time to meet, investigate, and vote as a body to certify / decertify the election in light of extensive and well-founded accusations of electoral administration mismanagement and deliberate and admitted violations of explicit election laws in various battleground states.      

I drafted a letter with the support of a number of my colleagues, to the Republican members of the U.S. Congress urging them to delay certification of the Electoral College to give the PA General Assembly time to verify the integrity of Pennsylvania’s election results due to the many inconsistencies that happened in our Commonwealth during the 2020 election.  

To read about the other efforts I have taken to date you can click this link.

The irregularities that took place in Pennsylvania have caused much concern with citizens, and it is of utmost importance that all voters have faith in the integrity of our election process. 

Senator Judy Ward

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