March 14, 2019Recreational Marijuana Listening Tour Comes to Juniata CollegeProposals to legalize the recreational use of marijuana have generated passionate opinions on both sides of the debate. The Lieutenant Governor will gather input from members of the local community on this issue during a stop on his listening tour in Huntingdon County next week. Marijuana legalization is a complex and polarizing issue, and it is critical for all community residents to share their opinions and concerns in this policy debate. The event will be held on March 20 from 6 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. at the Brumbaugh Academic Center Alumni Hall, located at 1700 Moore Street on the Juniata College campus in Huntingdon. If you would like to share your thoughts on this issue, then I strongly encourage you to attend and make your voice heard! Feedback can also be submitted here: https://www.governor.pa.gov/recreational-marijuana-feedback/. I enjoyed learning about snow-making, snow grooming on a Snow Cat, and all the opportunities for guests at Whitetail Resort in Mercersburg, Franklin County. A special thanks to General Manager Don MacAskill for hosting the tour and Tuscarora Area Chamber of Commerce Director Chris Ardinger for organizing the event. Voluntary Licenses Support Youth Fishing ProgramsIn order to support youth fishing programs, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission has created a new Voluntary Youth Fishing License program designed to encourage more young people to engage in one of the state’s most popular hobbies. Pennsylvania residents under the age of 16 are not required to purchase a fishing license in order to fish on Pennsylvania’s lakes, rivers and streams. However, purchasing a $2.90 youth license voluntarily will allow the Fish and Boat Commission to fund programs to help more young people learn about the joys of fishing. More information about the program is available here. I had a great meeting with the folks at Fannett-Metal School District to learn about all of the amazing programs available to students. I am pictured with Business Manager Stephanie Shoemaker, Superintendent Dave Burkett, and Board Member Mark Frazier. Transportation Grant Applications Available Through July 31Municipalities, businesses, and economic development and public transportation agencies to apply for state grants from the CFA Multimodal Transportation Fund now through July 31. The program provides funding for the development, rehabilitation and enhancement of transportation infrastructure, streetscape, lighting, sidewalk enhancement, pedestrian safety, connectivity of transportation assets and other transportation projects. Guidelines and application instructions are available here. I appreciated the chance to tour the Charles Brightbill Environmental Center in Mercersburg with Director Sheila Snider. The exhibits were really wild! Trout Stocking Schedule Available NowThe Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission recently announced its 2019 trout stocking schedule for all Pennsylvania waterways. The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission plans to stock approximately 3.2 million trout throughout Pennsylvania this year, and their statewide network of cooperative nurseries are expected to stock an additional 1 million. The most up-to-date stocking information is available online at www.fishandboat.com. It was a tremendous thrill to be honored by Hollidaysburg Area Alumni Association at their Distinguished Alumni dinner. Pictured with me are (L) Sam Dunkle and (R) Fred Marschak who also were honored.
I had a great conversation with students and parents from Emmanuel Baptist School in Claysburg during their tour of the Capitol Building in Harrisburg. Deadline for Farmers to Apply for Agricultural Reimbursement Planning Grants is April 1Grants are available from the state Department of Environmental Protection to reimburse farmers for costs related to erosion, sediment, and soil nutrient management. Applications for the program are due by April 1. The Agricultural Planning Reimbursement Program provides agricultural operators and landowners with up to $6,000 to reimburse them for fees paid to technical experts to create long-term management plans. More details about the program are available here. I recently attended the Franklin County Farm Bureau dinner. As expected, there was great food and great company. Grants Available for Local LibrariesPublic libraries in need of repairs or upgrades can apply now through April 26 for grants through the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Office of Commonwealth Libraries. Grants awarded through the Keystone Grants for Public Libraries program will pay up to 50 percent of eligible costs for a variety of improvements, including ADA access, HVAC system upgrades, and construction and expansion projects. More details about the program are available here. Thanks to Shireen Farr for offering a very informative update during the Founders Breakfast Business Roundtable about the great things the Cumberland Area Economic Development Corporation is undertaking. |
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